[香港] 觸執毛x王菀之<Made of Water>單曲10月5日推出

王菀之 x 觸執毛 (Chochukmo)的<Made of Water>將於10月5日推出限量 1,000 張,是王菀之<氣象系列>的第一首單曲,官方MV經已登場!這首單曲由觸執毛一手包辦作曲、填詞及編曲,並由馮翰銘監製,由一隊獨立樂隊為主流歌手炮製主打歌曲,可說是有其劃時代的意義吧!無論是主流還是獨立樂圈,都希望未來有更多更新鮮大膽的創作,刺激我們的耳朵!

Made of water
唱: 王菀之

like snow, like ice,
like cloud, like haze,
like falls
i could be anything, (you) cannot recognize at all
i am made of water

like storm, like wave,
like steam, like tears,
like raindrops
i could be anything, (you) cannot recognize at all
i am made of water

changing in colors and forms
feeling the heat and the light
reflections in shapes of the sound
follow the notes and the lines

turning into
water vapors
wonder in the


like snow, like ice,
like cloud, like haze,
like falls
i could be anything, (you) cannot recognize at all
i am made of water

like storm, like wave,
like steam, like tears,
like raindrops
i could be anything, (you) cannot recognize at all
i am made of water

evaporate in the air and escape
the silence by day and by night
i will not leave you a trace
a stimulation of taste

like snow, like ice,
like cloud, like haze,
like falls
i could be anything, (you) cannot recognize at all
i am made of water

like storm, like wave,
like steam, like tears,
like raindrops
i could be anything, (you) cannot recognize at all
i am made of water

like snow, like ice,
like cloud, like haze

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