[香港] 西九自由約 Freespace Happening



在8月9日的開幕節目,一年一度的滑板界盛事「Nike City Jam」將登陸西九,屆時來自中港台的滑板好手同場較技,競逐滑板王的寶座。

當晚更有本地獨立樂隊 Evocation HK 招魂King Ly Chee 荔枝王ChochukmoKOLORToNick 以活力四射的表演,發放音樂熱能。你亦可以駐足觀賞街頭藝人的彈唱,或花式足球員的靈活腳法。同場更有超過40個手作攤位的「青草地攤」與美食,全面啟動「自由約」這個定期節目!

A series of free outdoor events will take place at West Kowloon on the second Sunday of each month. Each Freespace Happening will feature music, handicraft market, street performances and a selection of special attractions.

Partnering with Youth Outreach, the first ‘Freespace Happening’ on Sunday 9th August adds skateboarding to the Freespace mix when, for the first time, the Nike City Jam skateboarding competition comes to West Kowloon. Skateboarders from across the region will compete for prizes and there will even be special demonstrations from our star skaters.

You can also catch live performances by local indie favourites Chochukmo, Evocation HK, King Ly Chee, Kolor and ToNick; see breath-taking freestyle football performances; take a wander around the handicraft market; enjoy shows by talented local street performers; eat at our food stalls; stroll along the waterfront, or just chill out in the summer sunshine.

日期Date:9 Aug 2015 (星期日Sunday)
時間Time:1:00pm – 10:30pm
地點Venue:西九文化區West Kowloon Cultural District

免費入場,無需登記Free admission, no registration required *

*部份工作坊須預先登記,報名及收費詳情將於稍後公布Registration and material fee applicable to selected workshops, details to be announced soon.

如欲申請成為「青草地攤」檔主,請於以下網頁登記 Please register in this website if you wish to become one of our vendors of the handicraft market:http://www.yo.org.hk/hangout/Form/WestKowloon/Application.php

「青草地攤」Facebook專頁 Facebook page of the handicraft market:www.facebook.com/grassmarket
報名詳情 Registration Details: http://www.youthoutreach.org.hk/Grass_notice.pdf

記得留意西九網頁、Facebook 專頁及Instagram(@westkowloon),掌握「自由約」的最新消息及節目更改。Programme details subject to change. For the latest updates on Freespace Happening, visit our West Kowloon website, Facebook page and Instagram (@westkowloon).


項目夥伴Programme Partner: Youth Outreach 協青社
Nike City Jam 贊助Sponsor: Nike Skateboarding Hong Kong

場地:西九文化區West Kowloon Cultural District
時間:1:00 下午-10:30 下午
地址:West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade
城市:Hong Kong

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