Sunday of the Clockenflap festival opened on a bright and sunny day in the new Kowloon West waterfront. A perfect day for music and booze! After a long walk from the MTR station, we were greeted by the staff who handed out our trusty Clockenflap bracelets. Though there was a massive crowd, the organizers had the situation under control. Props!
Upon entering, we were first greeted to an assortment of concession stands that had a variety of food. From your festival standards such as hot dogs to odd but appreciated Asian delights like Fish Balls and ShuMai. Festival-goers were sure to find something to their liking. Purchasing items were handled by coupons, which proved to be a worry free solution to purchasing with money, and helped cut the pains of getting petty change back.
The festival was divided into five stages, the Harbour Flap stage, the Robot stage, the People Party stage, acoustic and Side flap stage. The biggest one was the Harbour Flap Stage, and when we got to the place during the afternoon, we arrived just in time to catch Supper Moment’s set at the main stage. Energetic as always, the band put on a solid set of canto-rock goodness. Chochukmo rocked everyone at the People’s party stage. As the sun set that day, people welcomed UK’s very own The Cribs. Giving on an explosive set that drived everyone into a complete frenzy, warming up everyone on the freezing night.
星期六下午到達Clockenflap,一心希望捧最近密切留意的年輕樂隊Sun Eskimos的場。由於入場人數眾多,排隊排了好一陣才能進入音樂節場地,Sun Eskimos已經開始表演了。樂隊背著維港玩著他們輕快有活力的音樂,太陽剛巧開始下山,夕陽的餘輝灑在舞台上,場面漂亮。那時我和友人便感受到,Clockenflap將會是何其獨特的一項音樂盛事。但由於當日病到七彩、咳到甩肺,其後看DP及The Pains of Being Pure at Heart時雖然興奮滿足,但也不能歡呼尖叫,或手舞足蹈。
[音樂節報告] 10-11/12/2011 Clockenflap 2011 — 全方位音樂享受
Sunday of the Clockenflap festival opened on a bright and sunny day in the new Kowloon West waterfront. A perfect day for music and booze! After a long walk from the MTR station, we were greeted by the staff who handed out our trusty Clockenflap bracelets. Though there was a massive crowd, the organizers had the situation under control. Props!
Upon entering, we were first greeted to an assortment of concession stands that had a variety of food. From your festival standards such as hot dogs to odd but appreciated Asian delights like Fish Balls and ShuMai. Festival-goers were sure to find something to their liking. Purchasing items were handled by coupons, which proved to be a worry free solution to purchasing with money, and helped cut the pains of getting petty change back.
The festival was divided into five stages, the Harbour Flap stage, the Robot stage, the People Party stage, acoustic and Side flap stage. The biggest one was the Harbour Flap Stage, and when we got to the place during the afternoon, we arrived just in time to catch Supper Moment’s set at the main stage. Energetic as always, the band put on a solid set of canto-rock goodness. Chochukmo rocked everyone at the People’s party stage. As the sun set that day, people welcomed UK’s very own The Cribs. Giving on an explosive set that drived everyone into a complete frenzy, warming up everyone on the freezing night.
星期六下午到達Clockenflap,一心希望捧最近密切留意的年輕樂隊Sun Eskimos的場。由於入場人數眾多,排隊排了好一陣才能進入音樂節場地,Sun Eskimos已經開始表演了。樂隊背著維港玩著他們輕快有活力的音樂,太陽剛巧開始下山,夕陽的餘輝灑在舞台上,場面漂亮。那時我和友人便感受到,Clockenflap將會是何其獨特的一項音樂盛事。但由於當日病到七彩、咳到甩肺,其後看DP及The Pains of Being Pure at Heart時雖然興奮滿足,但也不能歡呼尖叫,或手舞足蹈。
據主辦單位宣佈,這個免費入場、一連兩天的戶外音樂節,沒有接獲附近天價豪宅尊貴住戶提出的噪音投訴,場內也沒有發生不愉快事件,明年有望把 Clockenflap主辦得更加有聲有色。我們絕對期待明年Clockenflap,我亦同時提醒自己,要好好保重身體,才能在感冒季節以最佳姿態迎接這個戶外音樂節……
意猶未盡 @Martha
Santigold 的音樂雖不是很激昂,但 R&B 的旋律加上怪異又充滿力量的舞姿,令全埸也跟著搖擺。主音 Santi White 突然邀請台下的人上台一起跳,幾乎所有人都衝上前去,encore 了數次才放過Santigold。在歡呼聲下大會宣佈2011年Clockenflap正式結束,但人們都意猶未盡,有些甚至潛進了小食亭偷偷拿去賣剩的酒,盡情享受這難得一見的音樂盛事。
Sun Eskimos@Clockenflap:
Supper Moment@Clockenflap:
Clockenflap promo:
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