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Trey Songz (崔頌) – Slow Motion 歌詞中文翻譯
Trey Songz (崔頌)介紹:
脫掉一切包袱枷鎖,赤裸試探情感世界的男女歡愉,性感暴露最私密時刻的愛戀情節。懂得取悅女人的心,讓男人感同身受的Trey Songz,承襲R Kelly所打造的R&B異色國度,挑逗每一顆蠢蠢欲動的心。曾獲3次葛萊美獎入圍肯定,並拿下黑人娛樂電視大賞(BET Awards)、靈魂列車(Soul Train)的獎座肯定,光在美國就已締造超過300萬銷售量,累積多達15首節奏藍調榜Top10單曲,歌而優則躍入大螢幕過戲癮的Trey,展現全方位的藝術長才!在戲劇界回歸本名Tremaine Aldon Neverson的Trey,出生於維吉尼亞州,經歷教堂唱詩班的歌唱技巧訓練,從原本鍾情的嘻哈饒舌派系,轉入節奏藍調領域。2005發表處女秀“Gotta Make It”,並沒有引起廣大迴響,隨後再接再厲問市的專輯“Trey Day”,靠著單曲「Can’t Help But Wait」,入圍葛萊美『最佳R&B男歌手』肯定,Trey的知名度跟著水漲船高!接續“Ready”、“Passion, Pain & Pleasure”到“Chapter V”三連發專輯,成績一次比一次亮眼,分別佔據告示牌流行榜季、亞、冠軍席次!
I know you got all dressed up for the club
Waiting on them to come pick you up
Baby when i saw ya walking out the door
寶貝 當我目送你走出那扇門
I just knew ya needed something more
Now whip it straight back to the crib
Finna give you something that you won’t forget
Baby i just wanna get you out them clothes
親愛的 我多想褪去你的衣衫
I just wanna see you dance in
只想看你曼妙身姿 翩躚起舞
Slow motion
We can take we can take we can take our time baby
親愛的 我們可以盡情享受 慢慢體會
In slow motion
We can take we can take we can take our time stay here
我們可以放慢腳步 享受其中
In slow motion
So shawty let your hair down take a sip
美女 就放下你的秀發 淺嚐一口
Go and put this joint between your lips
來吧 就把這根大麻放入你的唇間
Baby why don’t you make yourself comfortable
寶貝 為什麼還要那麼拘謹
While i go and put this tongue on you
So tell me when you ready
I’m a speed it up for you just for a second
只在瞬間 我全力加速向你奔去
Just for a second
Then i’m a slow it back down and keep it steady
然後我會慢下腳步 穩穩擺動身體
Now that you are out them clothes
I just wanna see you dance in slow motion
我只想看你曼妙身姿 翩躚起舞
We can take we can take we can take our time baby
親愛的 我們可以盡情享受 慢慢體會
In slow motion
We can take we can take we can take our time stay here
我們可以放慢腳步 享受其中
In slow motion
Oh darling i just wanna get you out them clothes
親愛的 我多想褪去你的衣衫
Oh I just wanna see you dance in slow motion
只想看你曼妙身姿 翩躚起舞
We can take we can take we can take our time baby
親愛的 我們可以盡情享受 慢慢體會
In slow motion
We can take we can take we can take our time stay here
我們可以放慢腳步 享受其中
Slow motion
We can take we can take we can take our time baby
親愛的 我們可以盡情享受 慢慢體會
In slow motion
We can take we can take we can take our time stay here
我們可以放慢腳步 享受其中