TodayMar04No Events
週末又來了,為著不知道到哪裡找一場good show而煩惱嗎?還是音樂會選擇太多,看著都已頭痛更別提下決定?那麼你便找對地方了! 我們每天為大家搜羅最新的香港、台灣和內地音樂會和band show,並且由我們Bitetone的資深編輯精挑細選,列出每週最值得一去的活動,確保你不會錯過城市裡任何最精彩的演出。 這個週末,別再又是唱K看電影,來看看我們的活動日曆,從jazz到acoustic到metal,肯定有一種適合你,說不定會發掘到你最喜愛的樂隊!
如有任何問題,請電郵[email protected]查詢。
Feeling down on a Saturday night without live music? Or simply jaded by the sheer amount of show choices around you? Then you're in the right place! Above we've cherry picked some of the most noteworthy music gigs and shows from Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland for your viewing pleasure. So give our calendar a look, who knows, you might discover your new favorite band or find a gig happening at that club or venue you've been dying to check out.
If you would like to submit your music events to our events calendar, feel free to use the "create event" button on the bottom right hand side of the calendar. Just fill in the required information, click the submit button, and it will be added.
If you have any questions regarding your event submission, you can send an email to us at [email protected].