Disturbed (騷動樂團) – The Vengeful One 歌詞中文翻譯

Disturbed (騷動樂團) 介紹:
來自芝加哥的超級搖滾樂團Disturbed,自1997年成軍以來,便將90年代Nu-Metal樂派的那份狂妄與霸氣,藉由四位各具獨特風格的形象,以及各司其職的優異表現,將怒金屬之音發揮的淋漓盡致,并快速的掠獲唱片公司的青睞,接連推出多白金專輯「The Sickness」(2000)與冠軍百萬大碟「Believe」(2002),出道短短的一年間擠身各大搖滾音樂祭主舞台現場,演出令台下大呼過癮的數首排行佳作。不主樂迷長久等待的Disturbed,推出一張名為「Music As A Weapon」之搖滾祭典現場錄音實記,感受一下Disturbed驚人的舞台爆發力!並不忘提攜後進新生代三組樂團Taproot、Unloco及Chevelle齊唱共樂。

在2002年,在Disturbed發行了大獲成功的專輯《Believe》之後,這支來自美國芝加哥的另類重金屬樂隊開始被廣大金屬迷所熟知。而樂隊的成名作《Believe》也以發行首周28萬4千張的銷量成為Disturbed的首張冠軍專輯。在經過了三年的等待之後,那個高亢有力,保留著傳統重金屬特色並將其發揚光大的Disturbed終於帶著最新專輯《Ten Thousand Fists》宣告復出。在美國,《Ten Thousand Fists》專輯發行首周便以23萬9千張的高銷量力壓美國另一支似乎更加大牌的樂隊邦·喬維(Bon Jovi)以“笑臉”相迎的新專輯《 Have a Nice Day》,榮獲10月的Billboard專輯榜的冠軍。

《The Vengeful One》歌曲來自Disturbed (騷動樂團) 《Immortalized》專輯。


He is observing the chaos, taking in the lack of raw humanity
It’s as if the entire world’s fallen in love with their insanity
Hear the innocent voices scream
As their tormentors laugh through all of it
No forgiveness from all I’ve seen
The degradation I cannot forget

So sleep soundly in your beds tonight
For judgement falls upon you at first light

I’m the hand of God
I’m the dark messiah
I’m the vengeful one
(Look inside and see what you’re becoming)
In the blackest moment of a dying world
What have you become
(Look inside and see what you’re becoming)

As the violence surges
And the teeming masses have been terrorized
The human predators all gone mad
Are reaping profits born from their demise
The rabid media plays their roles
Stoking the flames of war to no surprise
Only too eager to sell their souls
For the apocalypse must be televised

So sleep soundly in your beds tonight
For judgement falls upon you at first light

I’m the hand of God
I’m the dark messiah
I’m the vengeful one
(Look inside and see what you’re becoming)
In the blackest moment of a dying world
What have you become
(Look inside and see what you’re becoming)

When you die
You’ll know why
For you cannot be saved
With all the world enslaved
When you die
You’ll know why

You’ll die
You’ll know why
For you cannot be saved
This world is too depraved
When you die
You’ll know why

I’m the hand of God
I’m the dark messiah
I’m the vengeful one
(Look inside and see what you’re becoming)
In the blackest moment of a dying world
What have you become
(Look inside and see what you’re becoming)

I’m the hand of God
I’m the dark messiah
I’m the vengeful one
(Look inside and see what you’re becoming)
In the blackest moment of a dying world
What have you become
(Look inside and see what you’re becoming)
(Look inside and see what you’re becoming)


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