BIRDY (柏蒂) + RHODES – Let It All Go 歌詞中文翻譯

BIRDY (柏蒂) 介紹:
柏蒂(Birdy,1996年5月15日-),本名潔絲敏·范·登·博加爾德(Jasmine van den Bogaerde),英國女歌手、鋼琴家和作曲家,生於英國。 2008年,她以十二歲之齡贏得Open Mic UK音樂競賽冠軍,因而成名。 2011年11月7日,發表個人第一張同名專輯《Birdy》。名稱源自Birdy在小時候她的媽媽喂她吃東西時,因張開大口時的樣子活像一隻小鳥,因此她的父把Birdy當作她的別名,​​並一直沿用至今。


I’ve been sleepless at night
‘Cause I don’t know how I feel
I’ve been waiting on you
Just to say something real

There’s a light on the road
And I think you know
Morning is coming
And I have to go

I don’t know why, I don’t know why
We need to break so hard
I don’t know why we break so hard

But if we’re strong enough
To let it in
We strong enough
To let it go

Let it all go, let it all go
Let it all out now

If I look back to the start now
I know, I see everything true
There’s still a fire in me heart, my darling
But I’m not burning for you

We started it wrong
And I think you know
We waited too long
Now I have to go

I don’t know why, I don’t know why
We need to break so hard
I don’t know why we break so hard

But if we’re strong enough
To let it in
We strong enough
To let it go

Let it all go, let it all go
Let it all out now
Let it all go, let it all go
Let it all out now

Who says, who says?
Who says, who says?
Who says truth is beauty after all?
And who says love should break us when we fall?

But if we’re strong enough
To let it in
We strong enough
To let it go

Let it all go, let it all go
Let it all out now
Let it all go, let it all go
Let it all out now

We’re strong enough
To let it go

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