The Neighbourhood (芳鄰樂團) – The Beach 歌詞中文翻譯

The Neighbourhood (芳鄰樂團)介紹:
The Neighbourhood,美國另類搖滾樂隊,2011年於加州的Newbury Park組成。樂團成員包括主唱Jesse Rutherford、吉他手Jeremy Freedman和Zach Abels、貝斯手Mikey Margott及鼓手Bryan Sammis。2012年初,The Neighbourhood以隱晦又神秘的姿態潛行發表首單〈Female Robbery〉,善感又多情的線條在網路世界閃現,前衛潮流的樂迷爭相在網際網路搜尋,期望指數隨著樂團的「零資訊」、「無介紹」到「查無此樂團」而爆錶,同年4月在BBC等傳媒的引薦下,讓The Neighbourhood揭下神秘面紗。


If I told you that I loved you
Tell me, what would you say?
If I told you that I hated you
Would you go away?
Now I need your help with everything that I do
I don’t want to lie, I’ve been relying on you

Fallin’ again, I need a pick-me-up
I’ve been callin’ you “friend,” I might need to give it up

I’m sick and I’m tired too
I can admit, I am not fireproof
I feel it burning me
I feel it burning you
I hope I don’t murder me
I hope I don’t burden you
If I do, I do

If I meet you in the middle maybe we could agree
You make me feel little how you’re looking at me
And you can throw me shade, all it does is just cool me off
First it just threw me off, now I’m just moving on

Fallin’ again, I need a pick-me-up
I’ve been callin’ you “friend,” I might need to give it up

I’m sick and I’m tired too
I can admit, I am not fireproof
I feel it burning me
I feel it burning you
I hope I don’t murder me
I hope I don’t burden you

Swim with me
I think I could see the beach
I know what’s underneath
I need you here with me
But we’re out in the open
Swim with me
I think I could see the beach
Just don’t look underneath us
I need you here with me but we’re out in the open

I’m sick and I’m tired too
I can admit, I am not fireproof
I feel it burning me
I feel it burning you
I hope I don’t murder me
I hope I don’t burden you
If I do, I do


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